What Your Customers Really Think About Your Hillary Clinton?

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The 4 New Hillary Clinton Quotes You Need to Read Today

Hillary Clinton’s hair color is blonde and her eye color is blue. One thing about the people of New Hampshire you value guts. At the same time, though, American officials have long worried about Saudi Arabia’s suspected role in promoting a hard line strain of Islam, which has some adherents who have been linked to violence. Of the tens of thousands of emails investigators reviewed, 113 contained classified information, and three of those had classification markers. Surveys taken after the revelation indicated that few Americans considered the story grounds for changing their vote. Clinton told to ‘move on’ from her loss. Perhaps if Clinton hadn’t taken so long to get it or at least pretend to get it, the email fallout might have been contained. ” The majority of my extended family voted for Trump. After Mueller’s work was done, then Attorney General William Barr named a new Justice Department prosecutor, then Connecticut U. Why it matters: Political candidates and groups are required to publicly disclose their spending and provide a purpose for any expenditure that exceeds $200. Unquestionably, it is time to reassess national and global economic policies with an eye towards equity and fairness This does not mean closing borders, raising protective tariffs and putting a damper on technological development. It’s just all indoctrination by comedic imposition. So is the Washington Post, for giving her 750 words to analyze what Clinton’s fashion choice “means. GEORGE: I was proud of a lot of the work I did. Adviser Roger Stone left a meeting with Trump aides to accuse Clinton of killing a former White House lawyer — who killed himself, in reality — and covering it up. So, I expect to ask him to do many things for our country. This game control concept matters because it allowed Clinton’s campaign to conserve resources, rather than running up the score against Sanders. “It’s really remarkable how often I’m told stories like that and how often I’m reading something like a work of fiction set in modern times and 2016 is a traumatic event — it’s almost eschatological,” Clinton says. We did think about it. Of Goldwater, Weeks wrote, “His proposal to let field commanders have their choice of the smaller nuclear weapons would rupture a fundamental belief that has existed from Abraham Lincoln to today: the belief that in times of crisis the civilian authority must have control over the military.

Hillary Clinton Is Bound To Make An Impact In Your Business

Irish premier apologises for ‘ill judged’ remark about interns in Washington DC

” Providers say that often means a severe fetal abnormality. Evolving Strategies and Ballotpedia surveyed 4,242 registered voters, with a margin of error of +/ 4. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed. The investigations cost in total nearly $80m. Moreover, it conflicts with the separate attack that Clinton was reckless about security. You call them chips but they’re fries. Her intention was to convince the voters through her transitivity choices. Andrew Jackson won by more than 10% in 1824 but was denied the presidency, which went to John Quincy Adams. And it was not an easy decision to make”, McDougal told the court. “They said he https://hillarytranscriptclock.com/ invaded her space,” he said at a Florida rally after the debate, ABC reports. The table below lists the number of pledged Democratic delegates who were allocated as of each primary or caucus date. Cohen initially lied to Congress about the extent of the project, but in November of 2018 he pleaded guilty and then testified again in February, saying that Trump indirectly encouraged him to lie. Others we found by reviewing the archived government e mail accounts of people who had been government employees at the same time as Secretary Clinton, including high ranking officials at other agencies, people with whom a Secretary of State might naturally correspond. “I was not at all happy or jubilant about him resigning,” Clinton said. Big old sweaters all during law school, so I did have some adjusting to do,” she said. Click to subscribe to Beth Rigby Interviews. We’re moving in that direction. “I was with Bill in Little Rock when he had this shouting match with Hillary on the phone and she accused FBI Director James Comey for reviving the investigation into her use of a private email server and reversing her campaign’s momentum,” a source told the Daily Mail. To date, more than 18 million ERW’s, like anti personnel mines, have been cleared, but there’s still a lot to do.

3 Mistakes In Hillary Clinton That Make You Look Dumb

Exclusive: Bill Gates on the future of nuclear energy, AI

Moreover refusing to build Keystone won’t stop the oil; it will merely divert it to rail which is costlier and statistically less safe than a well designed and regulated pipeline. When we moved to Alabama, I was an awkward, skinny kid five feet eight inches tall and 140 pounds barely enduring puberty and wrestling with the heartache of having to leave my friends behind in Memphis. Some have raised little or no money, but a handful could spend at least the seven figures to bolster a billionaire. She has vigorously defended Israel’s wars on Gaza. “If an opponent had brought this information, would want to know more about it,” Algor said. I won’t lie: Chardonnay helped a little, too. And Clinton allies privately expressed a similarly clear message on Tuesday night: how glad they are that those two aren’t running. We can’t even approximate a robust idea of the public good when filthy rich people believe that the only role of government is to facilitate the transfer of public dollars into private hands, and the function of politicians is to make us believe that it is in our best interest that we allow such a thing to happen. Hillary has also released various books throughout her career, including one alongside her daughter Chelsea titled The Book of Gutsy Women: Favorite Stories of Courage and Resilience. When you visit the site, Dotdash Meredith and its partners may store or retrieve information on your browser, mostly in the form of cookies. But as a woman in public life, “you can’t be angry for yourself. These donations were all part of a failed effort by the Democratic governor to help the Democrats take control of the state Senate that year. Mumadikira kt agwe nayo kt muyisanduse ya fake. During Bill Clinton’s first term in the White House, Hillary Clinton spearheaded an effort to establish universal healthcare coverage in the U. “I am 100 percent for Hillary Clinton. But, you know, then at the end, we had the Russians and the FBI deal. “I’m not a superpredator. They married in 1975. But in the end, the best he could do was to compromise and raise taxes. In the immediate aftermath of the Supreme Court’s monumental decision to overturn Roe v Wade, conservative writer John Ellis took to the internet to make a provocative case: It was time for Hillary Clinton to make another political comeback. @IHOP @MarshieBCakes y’all niggas lying 😂😂 one of your interns forgot to switch accounts. This is General Mattis saying, “be polite,” speaking to other soldiers, “be polite, be professional but have a plan to kill everybody you meet. Based on this estimate, voter turnout was up compared to 2012 54. And Thursday, he went a step farther and publicly called on both the Ukrainian and the Chinese governments to investigate the Bidens. It was thought that left leaning states in the Rust Belt could become more conservative, as Trump had strong appeal among many blue collar workers. Tim Kaine as her vice presidential running mate Friday, adding a centrist former governor of a crucial battleground state to the Democratic ticket. Published under:Bill Clinton, Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton. The Justice Department is pushing ahead with its probes. This video can not be played.

The Advantages Of Different Types Of Hillary Clinton

Rifts Over Abortion and Economic Populism Threaten to Divide Democrats

She attended local public schools before graduating from Wellesley College and Yale Law School, where she met Bill Clinton. That event will likely still be going on as the first Election Day votes are cast in the northern reaches of New Hampshire. ” Clinton maintained control. Her poll numbers, as well as her favorability figures and Democratic enthusiasm, sagged. Meanwhile, for Democrats, the controversy became a sign of how Republicans operate in bad faith — ginning up controversy, and duping their supporters, for political advantage. Although her mention of foreign policy was brief, it was a sign that Clinton is willing to engage her rivals on the issue if not dare them to challenge her experience. Ana Hoffman, Co Chair. She had slept only briefly, but she was clear: She wanted to take a slightly more aggressive approach, focusing on the protection of democratic norms, and she wanted to emphasize the message to young girls, the passage that would become the heart of her speech. This story has been updated. Some of her commercial work has appeared in China and South Korea. Hillary Clinton had already warned of the “huge consequences” of withdrawing US troops back in May, and once the chaos ensued, it was reported that Clinton was working quickly to help at risk women leave the country. “And the message Putin took from that was that he can get away with invading other countries and interfere with elections and buy his way to influence all in his great quest to restore Russian greatness. Canadians countrywide are experiencing drastically different weather this week, as some cope with wildfires while others contend with flooding and a snowstorm. The Office ofHillary Rodham Clinton. The lawmaker, a special invitee to the intel panel hearing, seemed to confuse Russia’s campaign meddling with Clinton’s email inquiry. Trump Wins,” last updated 9 August2017, New York Times, ; Sarah Begley, “Hillary Clinton Leads by 2. So, five more days to decide the future of this country that we love. Edward Luce is the FT’s US national editor. But the fury that Hill’s treatment provoked in women proved catalytic. When President Obama honored the bargain, we pulled back from the brink of Depression, saved the auto industry, provided health care to 16 million working people, and replaced the jobs we lost faster than after a financial crash. On March 1, 2016, the first of four “Super Tuesday” primaries, Rubio won his first contest in Minnesota, Cruz won Alaska, Oklahoma, and his home state of Texas, and Trump won the other seven states that voted. On Tuesday, the Clinton campaign said there is nothing to suggest foul play, and Clinton had nothing to do with the newly released emails. President Obama is partly to blame for disenchantment with the status quo. He tried to make the claims in material terms to convince the voters. One of the authors of that article, Bruce G. In his recently published small masterpiece, Chums, Simon Kuper describes how Brexit was a fantasy crusade by a small group of Oxonian former public school boys to keep Britain free for their caste against the imagined enemy of an EU superstate.

How To Find The Time To Hillary Clinton On Twitter in 2021

Original sound AwAkE

Instead, this latest invocation of the Hillary bogeywoman is best viewed as the continuation of a tried and true strategy for the conservative media, especially the Journal. With a bit of an eye roll, Clinton interjects: “My elbow was broken, it turns out. And the initial take by commentators was that it was all economics. Her childhood search for inspirational women who worked outside the home often led her to look to her own mother, teachers, and ‘Life’ magazine pages. “Why isn’t the FBI looking at the DNC server. Reid also declined to call on Sanders to drop out if he doesn’t do well in the upcoming Super Tuesday contests on March 1st, saying Sanders’ advisers need to decide the senator’s strategy. “Once I moved from serving someone — a man, the president — to seeking that job on my own, I was once again vulnerable to the barrage of innuendo and negativity and attacks that come with the territory of a woman who is striving to go further. Nobody ever did a piece on Secretary of State Henry Kissinger highlighting the “smart, flawlessly cut Brooks Brothers suit” he was wearing when he authorized the Christmas bombing of Hanoi—did Madeline Albright have to put up with this pointless nonsense. “The blasphemy is that this holy priest is canceled while an evil president promotes the denial of truth and the murder of the unborn at every turn, Vatican officials promote immorality and denial of the deposit of faith and priests promote gender confusion devastating lives. Your membership is the foundation of our sustainability and resilience. In congressional races in 2018, Democrats won white women with a four year degree by 20 points; in the electoral battleground states, Biden is now leading by 39 points, according to June’s New York Times/Siena College poll. Apart from issues with authenticity and messaging, the campaign struggled with an internal generation gap that spawned disagreements on everything from basic strategy to the question of how to handle Trump’s attack over sexual assault allegations against Bill Clinton, Chozick reports. “It is difficult, however, to assess how much of this drop is due to the states’ new laws versus lack of enthusiasm for the candidates,” the report said. Concerns were raised about security and preservation of emails, and the possibility that laws may have been violated. This is why Fareed Zakaria recently declared in a Washington Post op ed that “the dollar is America’s superpower. The measure passed the House in 1998, but was later dropped from an appropriations bill. But we can say two things: i Americans were interested in the WikiLeaks releases, and ii the timeline of Clinton’s fall in the polls roughly matches the emails’ publishing schedule. And all the women are like, ‘You have to leave it in,’ ” Abedin, 45, said on stage to a vaccinated and masked audience.

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It’s not going to happen. The following year, the airport installed the first Instrument Landing System ILS, thus allowing pilots to “see” through clouds and bad weather to land and take off. To a generation of younger gay men in particular, Mrs. After 100% of voting districts. Their daughter, Chelsea, was born in 1980. Clinton was initially criticized by the press for avoiding taking their questions, after which she provided more interviews. The effort failed: The Republican president elect won all but two of the Electoral College votes he claimed on Election Day when electors met in state capitals on Monday. But, to access the classified address, an official must be at a special computer set up to access classified information. However, that e mail did not capture Hillary Clinton herself using the derogatory term to refer to Muslims. “I want you to put in the Constitution as a device. By the end of the campaign, the public had enough information to make basic judgments about who Clinton and Trump were. At one point, he suggested the increased number of close calls could be partly attributed to the “swift return to air travel, which, while good economic news, means we need to keep up on the safety side. “As arms control specialists, former United Nations weapons inspectors, investigative journalists, and others began raising questions regarding the Bush administration’s claims about Iraq having reconstituted its chemical, biological, and nuclear weapons programs and its chemical and biological weapons arsenals, Clinton sought to discredit those questioning the administration’s alarmist rhetoric by insisting that Iraq’s possession of such weapons and weapons programs were not in doubt.

Ezra Klein

It was the first time that America has been truly concerned about Lester Holt’s whereabouts. That alliance, along with his opposition to abortion, was expected to leave Zeldin facing a very unlikely path to the governor’s mansion. The financial industry and many multi national corporations have created huge wealth for a few by focusing too much on short term profit and too little on long term value. But for women who supported me or who feel bad that they didn’t, not because they voted for somebody else but because they didn’t vote. White House spokesman Josh Earnest later clarified to say that the president had exchanged emails with Clinton but that he “was not aware of the details of how that email address and that server had been set up”. Her own wealth and race also undermine her appeal: Just as Americans are increasingly nonwhite, so too are feminists; just as being gay, lesbian, bisexual or transgender is increasingly normalized, so too are LGBT folks more visible and vocal in feminist activism. “I’m broken, he said, “and you need to fix me. The Clinton–Kaine ticket lost the 2016 presidential election to the Republican Trump–Pence ticket, and Kaine returned to the Senate following the campaign. He added, “It makes me mildly nauseous to think that we might have had some impact on the election. S reporters at Hotel Kalastajatorppa in Helsinki, Finland. The inspector general did acknowledge that hacking attempts have occurred but noted there is no evidence any were successful. We need to provide the skills and credentials that match the job openings of today and tomorrow. In 2020, a police investigator began trying to crack the case. That’s the difference between a traitor and a leader. West Virginia is a tough loss for Clinton to be sure, especially given the fact that she easily won the state in the 2008 Democratic primary over Barack Obama. It’s what happened in the states. Trump became the oldest person elected president, besting Ronald Reagan in 1980, although this would be surpassed by Joe Biden in the next election. Cookies collect information about your preferences and your device and are used to make the site work as you expect it to, to understand how you interact with the site, and to show advertisements that are targeted to your interests. In fall 2006, Clinton was re elected to a second termin the Senate, winning 64 percent of the vote againstRepublican candidate John Spencer.

On the Air

To view or add a comment, sign in. The Whitewater controversy, Whitewater scandal, Whitewatergate, or simply Whitewater, was an American political controversy during the 1990s. Questions surrounding the Clintons’ involvement in the Whitewater deal grew during President Clinton’s first term in office, and an investigation into the legality of the Whitewater transactions was launched. HMSHost at Bill and Hillary Clinton National Airport. Priorities USA Action also contributed $1. For the most part, though, the suits have forced the public into talking about things other than Clinton’s appearance—her ideas, perhaps, or her fitness for public office. Trump railed against Comey’s second letter, and he used it to re litigate the controversy over Clinton’s emails, telling voters it was now up to them “to deliver justice” on Election Day since no one else would. Sabo created a similar piece featuring a tattooed Ted Cruz with a cigarette hanging from his mouth about a year ago, though that poster, also surreptitiously hung in spots around Los Angeles, was meant to compliment the U. Rural White Counties 1,129 total. Trump expressed support for the sequester in interviews in 2013 — even describing them as too small — but seemed to suggest at the time that military spending should be exempt. Because I don’t die, despite their best efforts. Hillary Clinton set out to give a forward looking message in her speech to the Democratic National Convention. ” He often speaks of India along with China with admiration, but also as a threat to the United States’ economic well being. “It will be the honour of a lifetime to work him as vice president of the United States. She’s the same age as Romney—and younger than Joe Biden. “She will make the wealthy pay their share,” Chairez said. Hillary became the first lady to be nominated for president of the United States when she received the nomination of the Democratic Party in 2016. But, here’s what we all know, because we all heard it again: His tax plans will give super big tax breaks to large corporations and the really wealthy, just like him and the guys who wrote the speech, right. And, unlike Mr Bush and Mr Walker, her actions were governed by federal law. What we are seeing is a backlash not just against Clinton’s candidacy but against the entire eight years of the Obama administration. Pence, who immediately notified the Department of Justice and the National Archives when they found the documents and have fully cooperated since, Mr. “She won this election, not because she was first lady, but because she worked hard,” Schumer said. The current AG has been very cautious in his public statements and I applaud him for that. And some of that information was valid, but a lot of it was not.

Secure Fence Act

Trump then augmented his lead by scoring landslide victories in New York and five Northeastern states in April, followed by a decisive victory in Indiana on May 3, 2016, securing all 57 of the state’s delegates. “Anyone who wants to defund Planned Parenthood and wipe out safe, legal abortion has no idea what’s best for women,” Clinton said in June. Announced in February, the $2 million award from the U. Elias, the campaign legal chief and also then a Perkins Coie partner, said he realized from early on in the campaign that Clinton’s likely opponent Trump could unspool several legal tangles, and the campaign would need to hit back with sometimes hard to find research and publicly available documents. He was referring to a Freedom of Information Act request by a journalist seeking disclosure of Mrs Clinton’s emails from her time as the secretary of state. The New York Times was criticized by Gene Lyons of Harper’s Magazine, who felt its reporters were exaggerating the significance and possible impropriety of what they were uncovering. Romney performed significantly better than Trump with employees at all three agencies, receiving, for example, $98,153 from Defense employees, which amounted 21 percent of donations. He’s not the only person eyeing a Clinton re emergence. She went on to earn a degree from Wellesley College before attaining a J. The worst politician who ever lived. Obama, during the CNN interview, said, “I just don’t think it’s necessary to talk about Senator Clinton or anybody in those terms. Click here to contact us for media inquiries, and please donate here to support our continued expansion. It’s not attached to anything specific yet. Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta, whose emails were hacked, has claimed the Russian government was behind the leak and the Trump campaign knew about it in advance. Trump turned his attention towards selecting a running mate after he became the presumptive nominee on May 4, 2016. She is voting Republican, of course. But that good run for Clinton ended on Friday, Oct. Or, have a go at fixing it yourself – the renderer is open source. Moreover, Hillary Diane Rodham Clinton served as First Lady of the United States from 1993 to 2001. Is there anything left to say about the unsuitability of Donald Trump as a presidential candidate. ” VP Joe Biden to Navy personnel aboard the USS Ronald Reagan.

Jul 26, 2016 AT 9:43 a m EDT

4 percent chance to win. Mr Trump was an unconventional candidate who garnered an unprecedented amount of media attention and ratings. But I really think progress is possible or I would not be standing up here running to be president of the United States. NBC is honoring its agreement with the publisher and is not publishing additional details from the book. “I think that could be the end of our democracy,” she said on Sunday TODAY with Willie Geist. During the campaign Mrs Clinton tried to make the case that Mr Trump was a Russian “puppet”, who took too soft a stand against Mr Putin’s aggressive foreign policy. Ms Brazile was herself at the centre of a controversy when she fed the Clinton campaign a question in advance of a debate against Bernie Sanders during the race for the Democratic nomination. He is not the most exciting or aggressive choice that Mrs Clinton could have made. I don’t believe them anymore. On Thursday, Senator Bernie Sanders, a socialist from Vermont who is also seeking the Democratic nomination, pointedly criticized Mrs. Powered and implemented by Interactive Data Managed Solutions. With the addition of 313,000 new jobs in February, the total number of jobs added to the economy since Trump took office is nearly 2. The records show the legislation caused political heartburn for the Clinton White House, which was caught between the president’s stated opposition to same sex marriage and a desire to keep his gay and lesbian supporters enthusiastic about his unfolding re election campaign. Mrs Clinton said the other emails are private relating to topics like her daughter’s wedding, her mother’s funeral and “yoga routines”. The FBI doesn’t know what was said at that meeting. It’s truly is up to us. In the nine months since the election, political observers have pointed to various reasons why Hillary Clinton lost and Donald Trump won: FBI Director James Comey’s intervention; Russia and WikiLeaks; Clinton’s failure to campaign in Wisconsin; African Americans who didn’t turn out as strongly as they did for Obama; and Trump’s strong performance among working class white voters in the Rust Belt. And it did damage her politically, exposing her sense of above the law entitlement and — in her dodges and prevarications, her parsing and evasions — demonstrating her arm’s length relationship with the truth.